Shrishti Sinha graduated from Azim Premji University with a Bachelors in Humanities. She holds a combined Humanities degree from Azim Premji University, where she developed a passion for exploring the intersection between digital technology and socio-economic inequalities. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics, creative and academic. She was also a part of the Youth Internet Governance Forum and India School on Internet Governance. 

As a Digital Swaraj Fellow at DEF, her focus has been on last mile connectivity and digital governance. She was an integral part of the Digital Citizen Summit team, wherein she coordinated with various organizations, and helped develop the themes of individual talks and the overall summit. In the conference, she presented her paper titled, ‘Social Engineering Attacks Among the Rural Populace.’ She also produced the documentation report that detailed each session and outlined the major recommendations of the summit. 

She has conducted Focus Group Discussions and interviews for a ‘Cost of Exclusions’ study in collaboration with Global Digital Inclusion Partnership. She has also led communications for a project centered on rural women entrepreneurship, and developed a guidebook for the project that details the ecosystem of the entire project. She has also contributed for DEF TypeWright Newsletter writing pieces on satellite internet, shadowbanning palestine voices on social media, mental health and social media: development around the US Senate judgment.

Meet Shrishti Sinha

Shrishti’s Rural Immersion Experience

Shrishti’s Experiential Learning Journey